Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'sterk'

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sterk (bn):
levenskrachtig(nl) beschikkend over kracht of vaardigheid., krachtig(en) physically strong and active.
(en) having a high alcoholic content.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(en) capable of withstanding great physical force.
(en) highly stimulating to the senses.
(en) grammar: irregular.
(en) determined, unyielding.
(en) having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
(en) military: not easily subdued or taken.
(en) slang: impressive.
(lt) lt.
(ru) обладающий силой, способный преодолевать значительное сопротивление, выдерживать значительные нагрузки или совершать тяжёлую работу.
, stevig(en) military: not easily subdued or taken.
(en) having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
(en) highly stimulating to the senses.
(en) capable of withstanding great physical force.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) grammar: irregular.
(en) determined, unyielding.
(en) having a high alcoholic content.
(en) slang: impressive.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant.
, geconcentreerd(en) military: not easily subdued or taken.
(en) having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
(en) highly stimulating to the senses.
(en) capable of withstanding great physical force.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) grammar: irregular.
(en) determined, unyielding.
(en) having a high alcoholic content.
(en) slang: impressive.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
, kras(en) capable of withstanding great physical force.
(en) highly stimulating to the senses.
(en) determined, unyielding.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) grammar: irregular.
(en) having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
(en) slang: impressive.
(en) having a high alcoholic content.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
(en) military: not easily subdued or taken.
, standvastig(en) military: not easily subdued or taken.
(en) having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
(en) highly stimulating to the senses.
(en) capable of withstanding great physical force.
(en) having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
(en) grammar: irregular.
(en) determined, unyielding.
(en) having a high alcoholic content.
(en) slang: impressive.
(en) capable of producing great physical force.
, straf(en) of drink: strong.
(en) having an intense, acrid flavour.
, ferm(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., fors(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., hecht(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., hevig(de) landschaftlich, Verstärkung: heftig, stark., potig(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., robuust(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., stoer(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant., struis(fr) Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken

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